Blog Social Networking

Social Networking has expanded tremendously over the past decade. Social networks bring users "closer" to their friends, family, and colleagues while also acting as a medium for spreading messages, entertainment, and building fame. Users might use a social network such as Instagram and Facebook to share updates about their lives through the stories feature or post photos on a recent trip. A company might use social media to connect with their stakeholders and share any new updates a company is looking to pursue. Although social networking brings the world closer together, there is also a "dark side."

In a podcast published by the National Public Radio, Frank Langfitt reports on how social networking technology has revolutionized the job recruiting process for both corporate recruiters and job hunters. The professional network, LinkedIn, allows users to list their work experiences, skills, and certifications. This allows them to highlight their professional career in one place, making it much easier for corporate recruiters to find them by simply typing in the qualifications they are looking for. Recruiters now have access to a huge database to find potential job candidates while professionals have a place to display their talent. 

Posting on social networking has become such a norm that sometimes users are not aware that the material they are posting can be seen by an unintended audience or be potentially detrimental. We may believe no one other than our followers can see our Instagram posts and stories because our profiles are private or that only our friends and "friends of friends" can see our Facebook posts because we set our privacy setting to Friends Only. Truth is, whatever we post on our social networks has the potential of living on forever on the internet. Not even the sister of the founder of the two biggest social networks in the world could control who sees her post. Randi Zuckerberg's family Christmas photo was at the center of attention when Vox Media marketing director Callie Schweitzer saw it and posted it on her twitter. Schweitzer, who was not a friend of Zuckerberg, saw the photo even though it was set to Friends Only. 

Turns out, friends of friends who were tagged in the photo can also see it. The confusion over the social network privacy can potentially expose our posts, statuses, and personal information to an unintended audience. If we revisit the ease of job recruiting social networking has made, it has also made learning about candidates much easier. Companies will not offer candidates job offers if they see inappropriate photos, vulgar language/posts, etc. Keep in mind that whatever you post on social networks has the potential to be seen by everyone for an indefinite period of time.


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